Ocracoke Flounder :) AKA a 8lb 13oz big ol’ Corncrake Doormat!

Y’all…..seeing this monster laying on the sand that night in Ocracoke was just wild!  We were in shock when we first walked up but without hesitation, I gigged him QUICK!  And he was so big and strong that he bent our single speared gig almost in the shape of an L!  We were soaked from all the splashing and craziness going on while trying to move him up the gig and onto our stringer.  Plus, we already had a few on it…so we were carrying some MEAT πŸ™‚ 

I don’t know about y’all but founding gigging is something special!  It’s just so neat being able to go out at night when its all calm and quiet and you can light up the water underneath you and just explore the bottom.  It’s one of the coolest types of “fishing” to me!  Especially if you’ve got a great partner with you like I do πŸ™‚  I’ve got the best fishing partner in the world!

One thing we’ve always done after catching a citation worthy fish is to eat him WHOLE.  We call it, “fork um” πŸ™‚  Where we filet him up to cook whole on the grill and then after its cooked…we leave the whole fish on the tray and just use a fork to fork out the meat.  It might sound weird to some but I promise if you ever gave it a try….it’d be one of the tastiest and juiciest meat you’ve ever had!  I explained how to cook a fish whole in our trout blog which you can find….right here! πŸ™‚

We had gone gigging on our last night in Ocracoke so when we got back to Wanchese we called up Mary-Vaughan and Carson to come eat with us!  Glad we had another propane tank for this bad boy!  It was deeeelicous!

This Ocracoke Flounder was a flounder of a lifetime for me!  I was so EXCITED, shocked and just over the moon!  Mack and I put so much time into different types of fishing and this was my first time gigging this year.  The conditions were great, it was warm, we were in Ocracoke with all his family and we came across this huge flounder…it was perfect! I love it!

If y’all have any great flounder gigging stories…share them in the comments below!  Or if you make this recipe or cook up a fish whole on the grill and “fork it” let us know πŸ™‚  Share your recipes with us on Facebook or instagram!  Cheers!

8lb 13oz of MEAT πŸ™‚