Buxton Levi Junior
I can’t believe this past month we celebrated my little teddy bear Buxton’s first Birthday! It feels like yesterday that I was just hugging his little floppy ears at 8 weeks old. The amount of joy that Buxton has brought into my entire families life is incredible. From his talking ways, to his fluffy fur, to his love for the beach and surfing adventures, his ever-wagging tail, his Albert Einstein eyebrows, his best friend Miya the Tabby cat, and so much more. Everyone who has ever owned an animal or had an animal bond or friendship understands what I’m saying 🙂 It is a special feeling.
So what better way to celebrate his very first birthday other than to cook him a homemade from scratch, puppy friendly banana and carrot cake birthday cake? It was only necessary 🙂 I was inspired by some dog friendly cakes I had seen when I used to live in NYC and would go into every dog bakery I could ever find. You wouldn’t believe the amount of activities, shops, bakeries, playgrounds, and groomers they had just for animals all around Manhattan! Anyways, back to the cake and Buxton’s birthday party celebrations….
All of the ingredients I used in creating his cake were ripe bananas (mashed), rolled oats, peanut butter, whole wheat flower, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, water, tiny bit of honey, shredded carrots, and the milkbone bones for decoration. I truly winged the expedient with exact measurements and overall decoration. Had no idea it would turn out this awesome for my birthday boy 🙂 But man, we were all pretty excited. Funny to think about sharing a piece of cake with the animals but all of the ingredients were natural and human and dog friendly so why not? My nephew and niece have never been so excited to try a birthday cake before! haha 🙂
We treat Buxton just like a human round here so naturally, we threw him a party, invited over the family, got party hats, sang happy birthday, and had full tummies to roll around with a sugar high playing with the pups. It was one of those nights you will cherish for the rest of your life. I am so thankful.
Pretty excited to share some moments from his birthday party with you guys and I was also stoked that Milkbone reached out to me personally about using some of my photographs for their advertisement and marketing for other milkbone lovers. Pretty rad! Check it out!
If you like this post about Buxton’s birthday party, homemade banana and carrot cake birthday cake creation, let me know by commenting below and/or sharing this post so I can see what interested you guys the most. I wouldn’t want to be boring you all 🙂
Buxton’s First Birthday